How to Burglar Proof Your Windows

by | Oct 13, 2022

Deep Sentinel

Break-ins occur way too often across the United States. In the majority of cases, the burglar enters by breaking the window or door glass. Windows and doors are hands down the most high-risk entry points for nearly every house and business. Conventional windows and doors can hardly prevent these intruders from getting inside our properties. An intruder can break glass easily with a hammer, rock, or another solid object, allowing burglars to reach in and unlock the window or a nearby door to get inside.

For this reason, homeowners should invest in security measures like alarms, motion sensors, and home security cameras. But even these can’t always stop desperate burglars from breaking into your home. Especially if burglary is common in your area, it is all the better to know how to secure windows by installing burglar-proof windows. Learning how to prevent break-ins through windows and doors can make your home much safer. It is a game-changer for your safety.

There are some easy solutions to improve your home security by beefing up your existing glass or completely replacing it with burglar-proof windows. Either way, these methods make gaining access to your home significantly more challenging. The solutions range from types of burglar-proof glasses to installing additional security to your window and door frames. Choose what level of protection suits you, your home, and your budget.

How to Burglar-Proof Your Windows

Having an intelligent security system for your property is an integral part of providing your home with the best security possible. But then again, does it completely stop intruders from breaking in? These recommended solutions can improve your safety from intruders who are attempting to break in through a window. Below are three ideas on how to secure windows from burglars.

Security Window Film

If you don’t want to replace your windows with break-proof windows, there’s another way to burglar-proof windows. You can install security window films on your windows and door glass to prevent easy breaking of the glass by holding it in place even after repeated attempts to break. Install it both inside and outside your glass windows and doors to give an extra layer of protection. This allows the glass to withstand repeated impact from heavy objects. Security window films come in both transparent and tinted films to suit your preferences.

Glass Glazing

Glass glazing is another option to make your windows and glass doors more burglar-proof. Window glass with glazing shields or polycarbonate laminate compositions can significantly strengthen the glass against impacts. This makes it resistant to cracking and shattering. The glass can then manage prolonged attacks of all kinds. The protected glass may still break after a long time. But that amount of time wherein the burglar is desperately breaking the glass is enough for you or your security system to notify the police of the burglary attempt.

Burglar-Proof Glass Sheets and Panels

But suppose you aim to have the highest level of security and have the budget for window replacement. In that case, getting burglar-proof glass sheets and panels is a great idea. Installing a glass that already has composition and strength made to counter break-ins and other types of attacks is worth investing in. Some of these burglar-proof glass sheets and panels can even provide varying grades of ballistic resistance. This resistance can give your property a much higher level of security, not only from burglars but from any bullets and blasts.

Other Ways to Secure Windows from Burglars

Suppose putting protective layers or installing a whole new glass sheet and panels may not be enough to reassure you and keep you feeling safe. Or perhaps those security measures are just too costly for you. Don’t worry! There are still multiple other ways of burglar-proofing windows or doors of your property. Here are some additional options.

Window Locks

Additional locks on your windows can enhance your window security. Burglars have a harder time forcing open windows with aftermarket locks. There are different types of locks that you can purchase depending on the type of window you have. These include:

  • Pin locks: These prevent burglars from lifting your windows near the ground or floor.
  • Keyed locks: As the name suggests, these are locks that require a key to keep them closed. You only need to ensure that you’re hiding the key safely.
  • Hinged wedge locks: This lock is perfect for double-hung windows that can open from both the bottom and the top. You can also adjust this lock so you can still open the window partially if you install it higher on the window frame.
  • Sash locks: Same with hinged wedge locks, sash locks are used for double-hung windows to hold them open and shut in place.

Window Sensors

Investing in window sensors is a smart option if you don’t own a home security system. These devices can detect if windows unexpectedly open or the glass breaks, depending on the kind of sensor. This is especially useful in the middle of the night or when no one is home.

Window Bars

Windows bars provide additional security in the event that the burglar successfully smashes your windows. The narrow openings between the bars will prevent burglars from entering your home. Just make sure that when installing window bars, you can still safely escape through the windows in case of emergencies. To be sure, install the window bars inside so that you can swing them open inward. And put a lock on them to prevent burglars from forcing their way in.

Thorny Shrubbery

Plant thorny bushes or other plants just outside your windows to deter criminals. Thorns can be very painful, especially when you’re dealing with lots of them and don’t have protective gloves. Even if this tactic may seem old-school, it is still pretty effective for burglars who aren’t prepared. This is one of many ways you can landscape your home to prevent burglaries.

Burglar-Proof Your Windows Now

Being the victim of a burglary is more than just frightening. It’s also disheartening to lose your treasured belongings. Securing your windows and doors is always a necessary step to prevent such events.

Burglar-proof windows are a proven way to protect windows from break-ins and an ideal solution to protect your property against smash-and-grab robberies or after-hours break-ins. These burglar-proofing solutions can also protect your property from riots, violence, or chaos in your area. So why wait further when it may already be too late?

Invest in burglar-proof windows now and protect your home and property from being robbed. Plus, go the extra mile and secure your home with security cameras backed by real-time video monitoring. (Deep Sentinel has you covered!)

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