Meet Morgan Bell, VP of Engineering

Beyond innovative technology, Deep Sentinel is brimming with some of the brightest minds in the industry, dedicated to providing our customers with exceptional products and service. To that end, we’re drawing back the curtain and introducing you to some new team members! We’re excited to introduce Morgan Bell, Deep Sentinel’s new Vice President of Engineering.
A Montana farm kid with a natural aptitude for all things mechanical, Morgan quickly moved on from fixing tractors and building with Legos to coding and programming. While attending school in Denver, he waited tables, which sparked his interest in the “really, really complicated machines” of humans and how we interact.
After working on various tech teams with projects in e-commerce, GIS, computer vision, and more, Morgan found the startup world. His latest experience has largely been focused on robotics and other forward-thinking technology. As our VP of Engineering, he manages Deep Sentinel’s technology products, their footprint, and their implementations.
We asked Morgan a few questions to get to know more about him and his experience.
Deep Sentinel: What brings you to Deep Sentinel?
Morgan Bell: One of the bigger things for me is products that have an impact. Products that mean something. I don’t want to work on another SaaS platform to sell a widget. That drives me nuts. I don’t want to do it. I like products that are meaningful.
And then, as I went through the process and started to meet people, everyone gave me the same thing. They said, “This team is awesome. You have to meet the people. You have to meet the team.” There’s nothing like working with an amazing team. It really, really is the best thing in the world.
That’s ultimately one of the things that sold me the hardest. As soon as I met the people, I was like, “Yeah, these are cool people. I want to do this.” It was an easy fit.
And all the technology lined up. I’ve done a lot of this stuff again and again and again. A lot of these are problems I’ve solved more than once and can come in and solve them or know people who can help me solve them.
Deep Sentinel: Where do you see Deep Sentinel going? What excites you about our future as a company?
Morgan: This is an interesting scalability problem because the amount of data that we have to move—not own, necessarily, but move—is quite high. I’m definitely interested in seeing what we can do to scale the systems themselves to a place where they’re noteworthy, where people look at it and go, “Well, how did Deep Sentinel solve that?” Because that’s a great place to be as a company.
The sky’s the limit, in a sense. This is an interesting space, and it’s a space that’s not going to go away anytime soon. These are needed solutions in one way or another. We’re in the market, and I like being able to welcome other players to the market. Because that’s interesting, right? It’s interesting to see the validity of the space.
In three years, I expect that we’ll be a well-recognized leader in the space. I expect that we’ll have some of the best AI around and that we’ll be sitting on top of one of the larger data sets that we can use to create sophisticated solutions to help people. There’s a ton we can do there.
Deep Sentinel: What topics or fields do you specialize in? Can you give examples from your past?
Morgan: I’m more of a generalist than a hard specialist. I can get as deep as I need to in probably any subject, some better than others.
I’m a poor theoretical mathematician, so I don’t claim anything there, but I’ve built a lot of larger systems with tens or hundreds of millions of records moving through them all the time. So for me, I find the data side of things fascinating, and I have some expertise there.
I’ve done a lot of computer vision projects in the past when I worked with the city government. Some of the most interesting jobs were analyzing flyover images—when they fly over the city and take pictures of it. That’s a gold mine. I could tell you how many cars are parked outside on any given day. I could tell you how many square inches of sidewalk we had in the city. Those are cool computer vision tasks. I really like that kind of stuff.
And in the robotics space, we did a lot of that as well. Again, I’m not the world’s outstanding expert, but I’m good enough to get by.
[Editor’s note: He’s too modest!]
Deep Sentinel: What do you like to do outside of work?
Morgan: Well, I’m married with three kids, so a lot of my time is sunk into what everybody else wants to do. Parenting is its own big job.
My youngest is a little girl. She just turned 10. She likes reading, playing, and things that require some imagination, which is super cool because you realize as an adult that life squeezes a lot of the imagination out of you. Kids have this wonderful magical way of bringing it back into focus.
My middle son is 11, and he’s like me when I was younger. He’s a motor head. He’s working on transplanting a dirt bike engine into a go-kart for racing. So I’m teaching him how engines work, and he’s begging me to teach him to weld.
And then my eldest represents my geeky side. He runs a lot of Dungeons and Dragons campaigns and paints miniatures and things like that.
When it comes to the things I want to do for me… I do some gaming. I like role-playing games and some online games. I’m still something of a motor head. I have a sport bike that I race around when I get a chance, I’ll get back on a dirt bike as soon as I can beg my wife for the garage space.
And I’m something of a closet audiophile. I like listening to music. I like going to concerts and things like that as well.
Deep Sentinel: Do you have any additional thoughts you’d like to share? Anything about AI?
Morgan: We’re in the middle of a weird time, technology-wise, because we are right at the outset of this AI revolution. Today, the large language models are getting all the fanfare and fame. But over time, these will break down a bit and become more multimodal by nature.
I’m interested in what’s going to happen in that space, coming from robotics, where multimodal inputs and outputs are table stakes. That’s the most critical thing that makes such a logical transition to any place where you’re interacting with people.
In the security space specifically, I see this world where all the feeds that come in are annotated with all this interesting information and context. And I think of how cool that’s going to be to have that much information at your fingertips and what you can do with that.
There’s just so much analysis that can go into what’s happening in a scene. I’m excited to see where that goes. I want to crack into that and see how that shapes out.
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