The Only Warehouse Security Camera System with Guards IncludedTitle

Deep Sentinel prevents crime throughout the United States with after-hour warehouse video surveillance. Advanced cameras, AI threat detection, and human intervention combine for unmatched protection. Learn more about how a Deep Sentinel warehouse security camera system can benefit your business.


Or Call: 1-833-983-6006

The Only Warehouse Security Cameras With Guards Included


Deep Sentinel

Deep Sentinel prevents crime throughout the United States with after-hour warehouse video surveillance. Advanced cameras, AI threat detection, and human intervention combine for unmatched protection. Learn more about how a Deep Sentinel warehouse security camera system can benefit your business.

Deep Sentinel


Crime Intervention For Your WarehouseTitle

See how our guards proactively prevent crime.

Explore Deep Sentinel for Business

Virtual Security Guards, at the ReadyTitle

image of live sentinel guards intervene

No One Prevents Crime Like Deep SentinelTitle

Our professional guards intervene with the loudest 2-way speakers in the industry as soon as the system detects anything suspicious.

Most warehouse security technology only reacts after a criminal strikes, which is too late.

Deep Sentinel detects suspicious activity to STOP suspects outside the perimeter of your property.

shield speak
Professionally Trained Surveillance Agents Loudest 2-Way Speaker & Siren

Deep Sentinel

Protection Beyond the Perimeter of Your WarehouseTitle

Burglary. Vandalism. Equipment theft. Deep Sentinel prevents them all by proactively monitoring your property and intervening before a threat arises.

Protect your bottom line with security that goes beyond the doors of your warehouse. Deep Sentinel for Business uses indoor cameras to ensure your equipment and materials stay safe after-hours.

protect false
Outdoor & Indoor Security No False Alarms. Ever.

Deep Sentinel

protect home

The Smartest AI

Deep Sentinel’s smart hub searches every frame of footage for unusual activity. Thanks to advanced threat detection, you’ll only get a notification when the system senses trouble.

Forget the constant interruptions about harmless activity like a nearby vehicle or stray animal.

notification protect
No Nonsense Notifications Preventing Crime Before it Occurs

The Warehouse Security Camera System with Live Guards

We have eyes on criminals from the second they step on your property. Live guards proactively monitor beyond the perimeter of your warehouse and take action instantly.



Deep Sentinel

Deep Sentinel Surveillance is based in the US.


How Deep Sentinel Protects Your Warehouse

Protecting your property with live video surveillance keeps your building and everything it contains secure. Deep Sentinel has the fastest response time out of all warehouse security solutions. Our guards engage the police within 30 seconds of a threat appearing.

Warehouse security cameras with live monitoring protect your business like nothing else can. Deep Sentinel is one of the world’s most advanced security camera systems for warehouses, combining smart technology with human intervention.

How It Works: Predict, Prevent, ProtectTitle


 Cameras DetectTitle

When the cameras detect motion, the system starts recording within two seconds. The smart hub uses artificial intelligence to analyze every frame, checking for threats or unusual activity. You never get “false alarm” notifications.

Deep Sentinel Business Security Ai Detects Crime


 Cameras DetectTitle

When the cameras detect motion, the system starts recording within two seconds. The smart hub uses artificial intelligence to analyze every frame, checking for threats or unusual activity. You never get “false alarm” notifications.


 Guards InterveneTitle

If there’s trouble, the Deep Sentinel warehouse monitoring system alerts a live security guard. The guard can then intervene with 2-way audio and an ear-splitting siren. Typically, that is enough to prevent criminal activity.

Deep Sentinel Business Security Live Guard Monitoring Center
Deep Sentinel Business Security Live Guard Monitoring Center

③ Police Respond

In the event of a crime, Deep Sentinel guards will contact law enforcement within 30 seconds. Our team will stay on the line to provide real-time details to the police and keep you informed with instant mobile alerts. No other warehouse security camera system offers this level of service.

Deep Sentinel Business Security -Police Respond

③ Police Respond

In the event of a crime, Deep Sentinel guards will contact law enforcement within 30 seconds. Our team will stay on the line to provide real-time details to the police and keep you informed with instant mobile alerts. No other warehouse security camera system offers this level of service.

Deep Sentinel

The Warehouse Security System that Combines AI with Human ProtectionTitle

On-site security guards and alarm systems can help keep your warehouse secure, but they are not your best options. Neither solution is as powerful as a cutting-edge system that integrates artificial intelligence with trained professionals.

AI is just the starting point for Deep Sentinel’s warehouse security solutions. The system instantaneously analyzes all on-camera activity, only alerting you when a potential threat appears. Then, trained professional guards engage with the suspect, intervene, and call the police if necessary. Every guard receives extensive, ongoing training in escalation protocols and intervention techniques to prevent burglary, vandalism, theft, and more.

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What Are the Advantages of a Monitored Warehouse Security Camera System?Title

Traditional security systems do not offer adequate protection for typical warehouses. Here are just a few reasons why warehouse video surveillance from Deep Sentinel makes good business sense.

What Are the Advantages of a Monitored Warehouse Security Camera System?Title

Traditional security systems do not offer adequate protection for typical warehouses. Here are just a few reasons why warehouse video surveillance from Deep Sentinel makes good business sense.

a image of money Lower CostsIt’s expensive and time-consuming to employ security personnel. Using remote professional guards backed with AI is a better use of your valuable resources.


Deep Sentinel Better CoverageSmart security cameras for warehouses keep watch over every inch of your property, with no blind spots, shift changes, or downtime. Catch every threat with wider, more accurate protection than human guards can offer.
Deep Sentinel Smarter Security –​ Your warehouse security needs to be smarter than the crooks. Deep Sentinel cameras record as soon as they detect motion, using AI to filter out harmless activity and identify threats.
Deep Sentinel Faster Response – Unlike traditional alarm systems, Deep Sentinel is backed by professional guards with eyes and ears on the scene. The guards notify local law enforcement with the details of a confirmed crime in progress, prompting the cops to respond and act quickly.
Deep Sentinel Ultimate ProtectionDeep Sentinel’s unique integration of artificial intelligence and human intervention with surveillance cameras give you the best possible security, ensuring that no threat goes unnoticed.


a image of money

Lower Costs – It’s expensive and time-consuming to employ security personnel. Using remote professional guards backed with AI is a better use of your valuable resources.

Deep Sentinel

Better Coverage – Smart security cameras for warehouses keep watch over every inch of your property, with no blind spots, shift changes, or downtime. Catch every threat with wider, more accurate protection than human guards can offer.

Deep Sentinel

Smarter Security – Your warehouse security needs to be smarter than the crooks. Deep Sentinel cameras record as soon as they detect motion, using AI to filter out harmless activity and identify threats.

Deep Sentinel

Faster Response – Unlike traditional alarm systems, Deep Sentinel is backed by professional guards with eyes and ears on the scene. The guards notify local law enforcement with the details of a confirmed crime in progress, prompting the cops to respond and act quickly.

Deep Sentinel

Ultimate Protection – Deep Sentinel’s unique integration of artificial intelligence and human intervention with surveillance cameras give yous the best possible security, ensuring that no threat goes unnoticed.

construction site
construction site

Deep SentinelTitle

Criminals target warehouses all too often.Title

Warehouse camera systems with live monitoring stop theft, vandalism, and more. 

“It has made such a huge difference… People are not loitering and not hanging around causing trouble because Deep Sentinel chases them away.”

Catherine Kobrinsky Evans, Commercial Property Manager
Salinas, CA

What Makes Deep Sentinel BetterTitle

Trust real-time camera monitoring to give your warehouse unmatched protection. Better security means a safer business and a stronger bottom line. Keep your property and assets safe with the smartest, most effective warehouse security cameras. No other warehouse security solutions protect you like Deep Sentinel does.

Enjoy the Deep Sentinel Difference:

Proactive monitoring and crime prevention

Motion-activated threat detection

Guard intervention in 5-10 seconds

Police contact within 30 seconds

Proactive monitoring and crime prevention

Motion-activated threat detection

Guard intervention in 5-10 seconds

Police contact within 30 seconds

FAQs: Deep Sentinel Warehouse Security Camera System

How do Deep Sentinel guards prevent crime at my warehouse?

When Deep Sentinel’s cameras detect movement at your warehouse, they instantly stream the video feed to a smart hub, which analyzes the feed to find potential threats. Then, the system sends the live footage to trained guards for evaluation and action. The guards can intervene via two-way audio, set off an alarm, and contact the police in seconds. Learn more about how Deep Sentinel works hereA.


How is warehouse video surveillance different from residential surveillance?

Deep Sentinel’s business surveillance services include all the best features of our residential service, with a few added benefits. In addition to being our guard’s highest priority, your warehouse will also receive:

  • Instant Intervention: Camera feeds stream live to surveillance center within 10 seconds (depending on internet speeds), and our live guards will intervene immediately if there’s trouble.
  • After-Hours Business Monitoring: Businesses set custom monitoring hours in the Deep Sentinel app so guards do not bother employees or visitors during your normal workday. You can easily change when your building is under surveillance with a click of a button if your operating hours change, whether temporarily or permanently.
  • Indoor Camera Installation: Unlike with our residential surveillance, our commercial security camera customers can place cameras indoors upon approval to protect your property from the inside out.
How do the guards know whether an employee or a criminal is on the property?

Since Deep Sentinel monitors your warehouse after-hours, the assumption is that no one (including your employees) will be on the premises. When the guards notice anyone on the property, they’ll take action immediately and assess the situation. If the behavior is suspicious or criminal, the guards will intervene, sound an alarm, and contact the police in seconds.

If they witness “non-threatening” behavior like an employee closing up, a guard will come onto the speaker in a non-elevated manner addressing the person’s reason for being on the property. The employee can explain that they belong on the premises and then recite your customizable verification code.

Can I view footage and talk to visitors myself?

Through the Deep Sentinel mobile app, you get access to both live and recorded footage. We are happy to manage your surveillance, but if desired, you can also engage with anyone on the property the same way the Deep Sentinel guards do. If needed, you can add multiple user accounts for employees and set up user permissions for each account.

What is the installation process?

Deep Sentinel wireless camera systemsA, ideal for smaller properties, can be installed on your ownA in under 30 minutes. If you want a hard-wired Power-over-Ethernet camera systemA or prefer professional installation, a certified professional security installer from our nationwide network would be happy to help you. Contact us to be connected with a local installer.

What is the required agreement length for after-hours Live Guard surveillance?

Deep Sentinel only requires a 1-year commitment for warehouse monitoring services. This is significantly less than other warehouse security solutions because we’re confident you’ll be satisfied with our award-winning service. You can also try out Deep Sentinel’s warehouse security cameras risk-free with our 30-day money-back guarantee

What security concerns do multi-family residential security solutions prevent?

Loitering and vandalism are common issues at apartment and condo buildings. Community assets like pools can also entice intruders. In addition, burglars, robbers, and thieves can strike any kind of residential building if security is weak. Keep your entire property and all of your residents safe with multi-family residential live video surveillance from Deep Sentinel.

Note: At this time, Deep Sentinel guards intervene when cameras in common areas capture a crime. Our Service Level Agreement does not cover package theft from mailrooms or trespass in common areas.


Get a Security Consultation and Quote

Call 1-833-983-6006 or email [email protected] for help in your buying decision.