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Is Baton Rouge Safe?
It’s bustling. It’s vibrant. And it’s beautiful. But is Baton Rouge safe? Let’s dig into the data and find out.
How to Check for Hidden Cameras
Are you being watched? (Are you sure?) Here’s how to check for hidden cameras in hotels, rental units, dressing rooms, and more.
Auto Dealership Live Video Surveillance: 6 Benefits
The best auto dealership live video surveillance solutions offer key benefits for your business. Here’s what you should expect.
Worst Cities for Security System False Alarms
Security system errors are a problem everywhere, but in some places, you’ll really be in trouble. Here are the worst cities for false alarms.
Security Camera Benefits for Businesses
Surveillance is an effective way to protect your business. Discover key security camera benefits and how Deep Sentinel does security better.
Top Security News Stories of 2022
Security was a hot media topic in 2022. Let’s take a look back at the biggest security news headlines of the year.
Is Salt Lake City Safe?
What are crime rates like in Utah? Is Salt Lake City safe? And which neighborhoods are the safest and most dangerous?
Shoplifting Statistics
Who is shoplifting? What are they taking? And from where? These shoplifting statistics reveal all—and how to stop it.
Security Lessons from Home Alone
Consider the holiday classic Home Alone. What tips does it hold about home security? And is it legal to set burglar traps in your house?
What Is Third-Degree Burglary?
A burglary is a burglary… right? Not exactly. Learn the legal definitions of first-, second-, and third-degree burglary.
What to Do If Someone Is Loitering on Your Private Property
Loitering on private property can quickly get out of hand. But what exactly is it? And how can you stop loitering at your property?
How to Disguise A Security Camera
Are you looking to camouflage a security camera? We’ve got a handful of easy and inexpensive ways to keep your cameras secretly hidden.
Cannabis Security Plan for Business Owners
A cannabis security plan for a dispensary is more than a smart idea. It’s also a legal requirement. Start here.
Kansas City Neighborhoods: Crime & Safety
Which Kansas City neighborhoods are safest? Which are the most dangerous? And what security steps should you take in KCMO?
Security Cameras for Farms
Farms warrant the same level of security as any home or business. And security cameras for farms are part of any good management plan.
Workplace Woes: Employee Theft Statistics
Sadly, stealing is a problem for many workplaces. But just how common is it? These employee theft statistics shed a light on the issue.
Security Cameras with Audio
Surveillance video is much more useful with sound. Let’s look at some of the security cameras with audio features on the market.
The 5 Pillars of CPTED: Territorial Reinforcement
Read the paper or browse online, and there’s...
The 5 Pillars of CPTED: Natural Surveillance
They say the best defense is a good offense. ...
How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft
Catalytic converters are very important. They...
Security Camera Field of View: What It Is and Why It Matters
Field of view refers to how much out of a given space a camera can see. It’s vital to pick the correct camera field of view for the job.