Home Security & Crime Prevention Tips

Your home should be your sanctuary. Safe, snug, and secure. But you shouldn’t just leave that to chance. There are things you can do to better protect yourself from crime, questions to ask when deciding on a home security provider, and various options to consider.

Because it’s not just a house. It’s your home.

Top Tips: Stop Crime Before It Happens


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Dealing with crime is still more reactive more than anything else. The proper authorities are not notified after an alarm is tripped or a break-in is discovered. There isn’t much that can be done other than report it and hope for the best. 

But that has all changed with the advent of crime prevention through environmental designA. CPTED aims to reduce if not eliminate criminal behavior before it happens via deliberate design choices. It’s proactive rather than reactive. 

It increases the perceived risk to a would-be criminal before they’ve even approached your property or attempted to gain access. Limit the opportunity for crime, promote some level of social control, and cultivate a sense of connectedness with your neighbors. A strong sense of community is a powerful preventive measure and peace-of-mind. 

Questions that you should think about when evaluating your home:
Deep Sentinel
Does my landscaping obscure the view of my property from my neighbors and/or community?
Deep Sentinel
Are entrances and driveways well illuminated?
Deep Sentinel
Are there areas around my door, gate entrances, or windows where a person could easily hide?
Here are some tips to improve your overall natural environment:
Deep Sentinel
Keep Areas Will Lit: Entrances should be bright at all times and provide visibility from both inside and outside.
Deep Sentinel
Make sure your main entrance is visible from the street.
Deep Sentinel
Your address (on both the home and curb) is visible from the street in case of an emergency.
Deep Sentinel
Eliminate Hiding Spots: Cut down or eliminate hedges, bushes, or hiding spots.
Deep Sentinel
Railings, fences, or walls are both well constructed and transparent.
crime prevention officer

Talk to a Crime Prevention Officer!

We tend to think of the police only after a crime has already been committed. We call to report it.

But modern police forces have evolved beyond that. A Crime Prevention Officer functions as the liaison between the neighborhood and the police department that serves it. They develop, implement, and coordinate crime prevention initiatives and community relations.

And in that capacity, you can contact them directly for advice on how to best protect your home and minimize the opportunities for crime to take place. 

Simply call your local police branch, and ask to be connected to the crime prevention department or officer. They’ll provide you with tips, brochures, and possibly even workshops or seminars that are available to you and other members of the community. 

Their expertise is your gain. All you need to do is reach out. You can also turn to the National Crime Prevention CouncilA for more programs and resources.  

It’s your home and neighborhood. Be proactive about its safety and security.


Install a Home or Camera Security System

A good alarm or security camera is one of the best deterrents you can buy, as they clearly indicate to potential intruders that your home is not an easy target. 

That’s often enough for them to move on. In fact, a property without a security system is a staggering 300% more likely to be burglarizedA than one that has a system in place. 

The home security industry has come a long way and offers many different options to fit virtually every budget and requirement. Traditional services, self-monitored, DIY, 24/7 surveillance, and more. In choosing one, though, it’s vital to identify the features most important to you, as not all security systems are created equal. That way, you can ask the right questions before making a decision. 

But more on that below.

Install a Home or Camera Security System

Crime Statistics

Crime is a fact of life. And while we may never eliminate it completely, we can take steps to mitigate the risks.

And the more you know, the better you’re able to do that.

Deep Sentinel
65% home burglaries occur between the hours of 6am and 6pm while most people are at work

Source: https://www.fbi.gov/

Deep Sentinel
3 out of 4 American homes will be the victim of burglary in the next 20 years

Source: https://www.safewise.com/blog/8-surprising-home-burglary-statistics/#Frequency

Deep Sentinel
3,300 instances of burglary happen each day on average

Source: https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/homeowners-insurance/house-burglary-statistics/

Deep Sentinel
Every 13 seconds a burglary happens every day

Source: https://www.safewise.com/blog/8-surprising-home-burglary-statistics/#Frequency

Deep Sentinel
64.1% of Americans have been victims of package theft

Source: https://www.safewise.com/blog/metro-areas-porch-theft/


The Top Ten

STATE per 100,000 inhabitants
District of Columbia 3,493
Louisiana 2,884.4
New Mexico 2,841.9
Colorado 2,833.8
Washington 2,732.4
South Carolina 2,721.1
Oklahoma 2,705.6
Oregon 2,659
Arkansas 2,613.4
Missouri 2,531

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/232575/property-crime-rate-in-the-us-by-state/

The states with the lowest burglary rate in 2020? New Jersey, Maine, Idaho, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Deep Sentinel’s home state of California? It just cracked the Top Twenty, sitting at 19th with 2,138.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. You’re more than 3x more likely to be the victim of property crime in the District of Columbia than in Massachusetts. Location matters, but the risk is never zero.

Questions to Ask When Considering a Security SystemTitle

Before you go looking at the available options, you should prepare a few questions. Know exactly what you must have, would like, and don’t care about in a security system, and finding the perfect fit becomes easy. It’s simple elimination.

How is it Monitored and by Whom?

A traditional security system responds to a break-in after it’s happened. The alarm is triggered, or the camera records the crime to be reviewed later. This is called passive monitoring. On the other hand, proactive systems keep live surveillance on your property to stop crime before it happens via 2-way mics, video streaming, and real-time alarms.

How Do Monitoring Centers React to Suspicious Activity?
Is the monitoring center equipped to engage with intruders or are they blind and mute, reacting to just the fact an alarm has gone off? Pay attention to when they respond and their level of engagement with intruders. Eyes and ears on the property before, during, and after the crime can both accelerate and facilitate a police response when necessary.
Do Security Providers Give Verified OR Non-Verified Calls to Police?

An alarm triggered by a sensor on your front door, side window, or back sliding door without visual verification of an actual crime taking place will never be prioritized by the police. They simply don’t have the time or resources to respond to every one. But notification of a verified crime-in-progress will always elicit a timely and appropriate response.

Are False Alarms an Issue?

False alarms are a huge issue with many security systems. There’s the possibility of accidental activations by friends or neighbors, technical glitches, forgotten codes, and more. The data suggests that 90-99% of alarms are false alarms. Law enforcement and police departments are well aware of this statistic. Unless a provider has a very low rate of false alarms and/or can verify a crime is taking place with absolute certainty, security personnel will always make it a low priority. 

How Long is Your Home Security Contract?
A home security system is an investment, but you don’t want to find yourself locked in with a provider that’s not working for you and your needs. An initial contract can be for anywhere from 12 to 60 months. Inquire about trial periods or money-back guarantees so you have an out should you need it.

Home Security & Camera System Recommendations

Traditional Security System ADTTitle

Starts at $15 /mo

  • Passive Monitoring
  • No Engagement
  • Non-Verified Crime
  • Police Call Time: 8-10 mins
  • 1 year contract

Security Camera with Guards Deep SentinelTitle

Starts at $60 /mo

  • Proactive Monitoring by Guards
  • High-Level of Engagement
  • Verified Crime
  • Police Call Time: 30 secs
  • 1 year contract

Self-Monitored Cameras NestTitle

Starts at $6 /mo

  • Proactive Monitoring by User
  • High-Level of Engagement
  • Verified Crime
  • Police Call Time: user dependent
  • No contract

Security Tips & Crime Data for Individual Cities

Crime rates and numbers vary from city to city. How does yours compare?





Security Tips & Crime Data for Individual Cities

Crime rates and numbers vary from city to city. How does yours compare?



